Announcing the Color Chart Collection and Giveaway!
In this post, I am going to be offering a giveaway for a lavender sachet similar to the one shown above, and I am excited to let you know what my plan is for an upcoming collection release on August 15, 2020, if all goes as planned. (UPDATE: Due to health issues, this collection release has been postponed until further notice.)
Several months ago, after seeing Marian Parsons create color charts with paint during one of her live oil painting classes, I wondered whether I could do something similar with fabric. I also have a friend, Amy Crews, who had requested “anything linen” as happy mail. (By the way, to see her amazing talent, go to her website: Amy Crews Gallery.)The fact that she is an artist and that I had this idea for a fabric color chart in my mind inspired me to create a color chart lavender sachet for her. I then shared a photo of it on my Instagram stories and had an amazing positive response to it!
Now, this was an item that I made with absolutely no intention of making to sell. It was time consuming, and I shared with The Creative Exponent mentoring group that I would have to sell the sachet for about $30 to cover the time and materials that I put into it. But because others liked the design so much, they encouraged me to think about other products that I could create to sell using the design concept.
And so, I ordered linen fabric swatches and started playing around with creating palettes. I designed a few and posted them on Facebook and Instagram to ask which one was a favorite. I got some good feedback, and I realized how color does not always appear correctly in a photo and on a screen. The first one I posted was this one below, but the photo that I posted somehow appeared as though the pinks were orange and yellow. And so I adjusted the color of this photo and then created a second palette using colors that people said that they liked:
Option 1
Option 2
This color chart so far has been the most popular, which makes me happy because it’s my favorite, too!
Option 3
A couple of people like the warmth of this one.
Option 4
And I created this one specifically based on the color preferences of two of my friends: Ann Marie and Nichole.
Option 5
I created this one based on the favorite colors of Sara of The Tiny Topiary.
Option 6
And this last one was inspired by a palette that Shaunna West created and shared on social media before she released her collection of paintings recently:
Option 7
Over the next few weeks, I will be working on prototypes of products that I will be including in my first release. I also need to come up with a name for the line of products! I told my husband about one of my ideas “Comforting Color Collection” and I think he rolled his eyes. So, it’s back to thinking about it again…
And NOW for the details of the giveaway!
To enter the drawing:
1) Subscribe to my blog. (If you are already a subscriber, skip to step 2).
2) Leave a comment below, letting me know which color palette you prefer (you will find an Option Number in the photo caption) and/or what product you would like to see me make with this design on it, or what I should name the line of products.
The giveaway will be open until Wednesday, July 15, at 12:00 noon. I will do the drawing live on Instagram on Thursday and will also announce the winner on the blog on Friday, July 17.
The drawing is open to US residents only.
The winner will receive a lavender sachet similar to the first one that I made.