Embroidery on the Yellow Bird Nest Quilt (with video)


As I mentioned last week, I am sharing today about the Yellow Bird Nest quilt that I pieced last year. If you are interested in the inspiration behind the quilt, you can click here to read that blog post.

YellowBirdNest1 copy.jpg

After I last wrote about this quilt, I started the feather stitching around the blocks; however, in the middle of lock-down last March, I realized that I needed more DMC pearl cotton (I used size 5) to finish it. The local stores were closed and some of the online stores didn’t have what I needed. Eventually, I did order the pearl cotton thread, but by the time that it arrived, I was in the midst of making masks. The quilt and thread were put away…


After I broke a bone in my foot a couple of weeks ago, I decided that I could use the opportunity, while sitting with my foot elevated, to finish the embroidery on this quilt. Here is a short video that I asked my husband to record to show you how these stitches are sewn.

Because my three-year old daughter’s favorite color is yellow, I am giving her this quilt to use on her bed. Ellie (the six-year old) sleeps under a quilt that I made for my late mother-in-law, which my husband wanted Ellie to have after his mother passed away. So, it only seems fair that Emma would get the next quilt. She is so excited about it! Of course, Ellie is now asking for another one for herself…

While I was working on the feather-stitching, Emma asked several times a day: “Mommy, how is my quilt coming along?” Each time I showed her my progress, she exclaimed, “It’s beautiful.” Hearing those words made each stitch that much more meaningful because I know that she will treasure the quilt for a long time.

When I started making the quilt last year, I was planning to sell it, but once I saw how long it was going to take me to finish it, I realized that it would be really hard to find someone who would pay me for the time I had invested in making it. Seeing how much Emma loves the quilt makes me happy that I decided to keep it in the family.

I finally finished the feather stitching last week, and the next step will be to put it in the quilt frame to hand-quilt it.

Another project that I finished last week, was a little fabric basket, which I will share with you in the next post.


I hope that you had a wonderful Easter weekend!